Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer fun

It's been a week since we all got back from our various vacations, and we're starting to settle back into our rhythm. The kids were able to spend a week with their grandparents in Ohio and went to Niagra Falls. Tom and I relaxed in Jamaica.

Last week we did a Greek mythology unit with the Nuerhings. We had a great time learning about the various gods, deciphering code using the Greek alphabet, summarizing myths, writing a 13th labor for Heracles, and putting together a talk show where the children played the god they had researched. As soon as I get the copy, I'll post it on YouTube and link it here for you to watch. It was a riot.

This week we're reading "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH." It is the literature book that goes with the work unit. We'll have that done by Friday and then have Science Camp next week.

I spent the evenings last week reorganizing some of the cabinets in the kitchen to keep our school supplies. We never seem to be in the basement room anymore, and since everything is going to be on the computer this year, we will never be down there. I think we'll enjoy this set up much more. Now if I could just get through the foot high stack of filing that has compiled, I'll have everything in order. Unfortunately, that will be a weekend/evening project because all of our weeks off this summer will be spent on vacations!

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