Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jam packed short week

Tuesday was our second reading party day. The kids worked hard to earn all their beads and did several challenge problems to finish out the jar. Everyone read all day, and Aiden spent some time writing scary stories to read around the campfire for this weekend. Wednesday and Thursday were a blur of magnets, electricity, and more Ben Franklin. Friday was another JET day.

This weekend we have some family camping in the yard, and they're going to be able to spend the day with us Monday during school. We're all really excited to share our learning style with others, and help spread the word that there are other ways to educate children that don't involve large institutions.

I'm back to having more math problems. Apparently this subject is just going to give me lots of trouble. Drilling basic math facts is not working. They are bored to tears with it, and I'm losing them. So I'm going to give the Saxon math another try and just go through each day and star certain problems for them to work on. That way I can tailor their needs and forgo unneeded repetition. I'm still wishing there was some magic math fairy that would wave her wand and the perfect curriculum would appear. Maybe when I find that fairy, I'll run into the laundry fairy and make a deal with her too!

1 comment:

  1. A suggestion for your math problems....I really like Marilyn Burns. She offers more investigative type math which sounds more like you guys. I have a couple of her books and love them. At first glance her curriculum seems a little elementary but the problems are very challenging and thought provoking. No drill and kill. I'd be willing to loan them to you to look over.
    Crystal Moody (Thad's wife)
