This week we've taken school on the road and have been doing our work at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Thanks to the generosity of Miss Wendy, we even get to practice piano down the street each day. So far it's been a huge success. We get our work done while the grandparents are at work, then we have the evenings to share together. The kids have really enjoyed sharing the things they've learned with new people. Apparently, they're tired of just discussing it over dinner with Dad.
Right now our unit is on animal adaptation. They put on a puppet show last night with puppets they made to discuss how animals adapt to desert and arctic climates. We did an experiment with "blubber" (crisco) to find out how well it protects from cold, and they've learned about different animals that estivate during the summer to stay out of the heat. Yesterday they also used natural resources to build their own model boats, then floated them in the sink and made adjustments as needed. It was a VERY busy day.
This morning I ordered the curriculum for next year. We're trying something new that may enable us to be even more mobile. The company is now offering online curriculum, and the kids thought that would be great. Aiden was thrilled to learn that he could type most of his answers and then print out the worksheets instead of having to hand write everything. I think he'll love that since he can type much faster than he writes, and editing is much easier. Zoe liked the idea that websites will be embedded in the text and easily accessed for more research on topics. Next year is the first year the curriculum is student driven. The lessons are all written with clear directions for the kids to follow, and I can help as much or as little as needed. I'm very interested to see how this works, and a little sad to give up some of the reins to allow them more independence. They sure are growing up fast!
Either way, having our curriculum online might make it easier to be more on the go. Next time I won't have to pack the crate of books and supplies if we want to spend a week studying somewhere else. I'll just need to find a way to cram the piano in the trunk!
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