Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Fever

With the change in seasons, everyone is scrambling to spend more time outside these days. This week was supposed to be our week off, but we traded it for last week off. Afternoons have been spent playing outside with the neighborhood children. It's nice that they're old enough now to run around the neighborhood. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't wonder what they're doing, but I'm trying hard to allow them the freedom they have earned. Oddly enough, growing up is a bigger adjustment than home schooling! There are curricula and state guidelines for education. I'm still looking for that parenting manual for the rest.

Saturday both of the kids participated in a Tae Kwon Do tournament. They did fantastic! I was very proud of all the hard work they put in to prepare for the tournament. They went to extra sparring classes and practiced their form at home all the time. It all payed off, and both of them got either first or second place in all three events. You might be surprised to know that Zoƫ was the one the got first in sparring. Who knew the little pixie could be so aggressive! Aiden got first in forms. He looked very crisp and powerful.

Soccer season is in full swing. Only Aiden is playing this year. The good thing about that is he's able to play on a team his own age. He seems to be really enjoying it. He scored a goal in the first game, and has been playing very hard.

It seems like right now no one is very interested in school. I've been trying to make sure we aren't doing more than our scheduled time, so they have free time in the afternoons. I decided that since they finished the state requirement for time in February, everything now is just bonus anyway. Plus, with the rate they are flying through the content, it wouldn't hurt them to have some time to just be kids! So on most days we're only spending 3-4 hours doing school instead of our usual 5-6.

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