7am- I wake up and start a load of laundry after making the pot of coffee that I hope will give me enough energy to make it through the day. Go through all my emails, a quick glance at facebook, turn on the Suzuki piano music (books 2-4 right now) that will play continuously until after dinner, and make today's task list.
8-9 Aiden gets up, makes breakfast (usually either a bowl of cereal or he makes muffins) and talks to me either about his dreams or the things he wants to do today. Today he's convincing me of the importance of having a work day at Panera and something about "redstone wiring" in Minecraft.
9-10 Piano practice for Aiden. Zoë gets up, tells me about the book she stayed up late reading last night and makes her breakfast. She starts packing up her laptop and books for the workday since Aiden had a valid and logical argument we'll get out of the house to work today.
10-11 Zoë practices piano while Aiden gets his things ready to leave. This takes him a while because he's busy sharing his excitement over learning how to make and post tutorial Minecraft videos.
11-11:30 We pack up the car (3 laptops and countless books on nebulas, black holes, Mercury and Pluto) and put the recycling in the trunk. About 5 years ago Zoë wanted our family to recycle so she researched, found where to take it and what we could recycle. She organized a system for us, and now we take the recycling every other week. As we drive we're listening to "Outcast of Redwall" audio book from the library and discussing the book.
11:30-3:00 We take up several tables and Panera with all of our laptops and start working. Aiden is working on getting his Arithmetic Master badge on Khan academy and Zoë is finishing up her weekly Khan goals. We get several strange looks from other patrons when they see the math the kids are doing. Occasionally, one of them will need help with a problem, but for the most part they do their problems while I work on book covers . Both of them do probably close to 200 different problems during this time. Aiden starts reading his book on black holes after he completes his challenge and shares interesting facts with us. Zoë finishes writing a book review and posts it to her website.
3-5:30 The kids play outside in the woods by our house. When the neighbor girl gets home from school around 4:45 she joins the kids outside. During this time I fold the laundry, clean up the kitchen, and get ready to go out for a date night with my husband (the first we've had since New Year's Eve).
5:30-7:30 The kids run across the street to their grandma's (with their laptops in tow) and have dinner with her while Tom and I go out for a much needed dinner alone.
7:30-8:00 We visit with Tom's mom while the kids finish their pudding and get ready to go back home. Apparently while we were gone they have been building a house on their Minecraft server.
8-9 Aiden researches Quasars and black holes and writes his script for the upcoming "channel C newscast" we're making next week about space. Zoë draws pictures, I do a crossword, and Tom catches up on his scrabble turns while we all watch the recorded American Idol episode together.
9-9:30 Everyone gets ready for bed. Zoë looks for a new book to read tonight and Aiden sets up his video to upload while we're asleep.
By 9:30 my brain is exhausted and I'm busy making tomorrow's to do list in my head. No one goes right to sleep, but we are all in our rooms reading or listening to a book on cd by this point.
I'm exhausted just listening. My day went like this: up at 5:30 A.M., shower, dress, eat breakfast, leave for work at 8:00. Quick lunch at my desk (frozen microwave meal) about 1:30, work til leave the office at 8:00 pm. Quick dinner (bought at the grocery store on my way home) in front of tv (a recorded Voice episode), watch "Chopped" on the Food channel, few minutes of a new book "Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg, and to bed at 10:30 pm. Repeat the next day. My life is so simple compared to yours!!