Today we continued with our force and literature units. The kids had a great time testing projectiles (what kid doesn't look for an excuse to throw things!) and learning how to measure angles. They also seem to really be enjoying The BFG.
Math was very slow for Aiden this morning. He seemed like he was getting bored with things. Even though he only had 10 problems to do, it took him over 90 minutes! Hopefully as we get into harder things he'll be more interested. We have a little bit to cover with fractions and common denominators and then he'll move on to the 6th grade book.
Zoƫ is starting the beginning steps for long division. She asked me today why I keep giving her problems with the square root of 64 in them. I told her as soon as she memorized the answer I'd stop giving her the problems! She's also working on her report on solar energy for jet. It's turning out very good. It's not due until the 13th, but she's determined to finish it on Thursday so she won't have to worry about it anymore.
As a final note I thought I'd share a random quote from Aiden. As we were driving to my Aunt and Uncle's house to have brunch on Sunday he says (from what appears to be nowhere) "you know, I still find it hard to believe that there aren't a google of atoms in the universe. You'd think there would be."
8x8 fell on the floor, picked it up and it was 64
8x8, went to the store, bought a nintendo 64
That should help her remember :)