Thursday, February 5, 2009

My mental road block

I've known for a couple of weeks now that I need to send a letter to the school stating that we're pulling them out for home school, but they will continue to attend J.E.T.. For some reason I just cannot bring myself to write this letter. I've sat down several times and have written a few sentences, but I just can't finish it and send it out! I suppose this is my final hurdle with the public school. I know it's a little thing, but in my head things are going to dramatically change once I send the letter. I will be in charge of their education. No longer will I be able to blame anyone else if the kids aren't doing well.

I'm not having second thoughts about the decision. It is the right way to go, and I'm reminded of that many times a day. It's just difficult to see in writing something that ultimately all parents know, but don't think about... they are MY responsibility. I remember having this same feeling minutes after each of them were born. You can see those thoughts on every picture you see of a parent holding a new born child. It is the glassy look in their eyes that says "wow, this being is my responsibility. Can I really handle this?" We forget about that most days when we're busy with daily activities, but here I am putting it in a letter and attaching my signature.

I have been pleasantly surprised by the support and encouraging words that we have gotten from people. I was fully prepared to defend our decision, but it's much nicer to have the unexpected support. Ultimately, I suppose it just means that people know us well and believe that we wouldn't make this decision lightly or without facts. So thank you to everyone for your encouraging words!

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