The children continue to amaze me. They both spent an hour and a half this morning working on math. Zoë of course spent her time meticulously doing problems, while Aiden was struggling with a basic concept of regrouping. I was really surprised by this. It is so strange to me that the child can add the numbers in his head, but when he looks at it on paper, he got confused because the example problem is not how he does it in his head. He seemed to be over-thinking things and missing the general idea. I'm not even sure I could describe what he was doing, but I noticed it as a problem right away. Basically, his ability to see the bigger picture was getting in the way of the small details (like forgetting to carry the one). With a wipe board and some simple visual examples, he mastered the concept in one try. I showed him how if you line up the numbers vertically, you don't have to think of them in terms of multiple digits. As soon as I showed him what would happen if you didn't line up the numbers, he figured it out right away. I am literally floored every time he does something like this (and it happens A LOT). It certainly helps to know that he is a visual spacial learner, but man is he fast!
After math was finished they each wrote a poem and practiced their spelling words. Then we spent the rest of the morning going over ideas for their final volcano presentation. They decided they were going to make it a newscast and have some commercials as well. They really had great ideas, and I'm looking forward to working on this. Their next step is to write a script, which we will work on tomorrow. After some set design, we should be ready to start filming.
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